
A student from Sheridan College led a protest at the Chinese consulate in Toronto on November 18, 2021, to bring attention to the plight of her mother Yan Liu who was jailed in China for her Falun Gong beliefs. Her mother Yan Liu is now facing an illegal jail sentence.

Lucy Liu


Sheridan College Animation Student Calls for Mother’s rescue in China

I’m Lucy Mingyuan Liu, a second-year student at Sheridan’s post-graduate Animation certificate program, and a scholarship recipient of the Tibor Madjar award for best animation. 

I’m seeking your support for the release of my mother Yan Liu from arbitrary detention and jail sentence in China for her spiritual belief in Falun Gong. On September 30, 2021, Chinese police kidnapped my mother. She is currently illegally detained at Kunming detention center, the capital city of Yunnan province.

My mother Yan Liu is a dedicated English language educator with over 20 years of teaching experience at post-secondary institutions. Two decades ago, she worked at Jilin University-Lambton College in the northeastern Chinese city of Changchun, a job that brought her into contact with a lot of Canadian academics. My father Yong Liu is an accomplished artist and art teacher, he was named one of the top one hundred Chinese painters in 2003 in my country.

Today, I am telling my story and taking a public stance to ask the international community, government actors, and human rights organizations to help me and call on the Chinese Communist Party to immediately release my mother and stop the persecution of Falun Gong.

I hope you can help lead a voice for my mother and for all victims currently silenced and suppressed under the brutal Chinese regime. Your help will make a real difference!

There is something you could do:

Yunnan province No.2 Women’s Prison: No.9 of  letter-box No.166, Linjiayuan, western suburb of Kunming, Yunnan, China. Postcode: 650102/ tel: 0871-65126165/ fax: 0871-65126134

–The more attention showed from each letter, the better chance to keep my mother away from torture inside the prison. You could also call the prison with the same number.

You could also…

Thank you for all the help and with the petition. I especially appreciate the information and advice you have provided and the contacts you have shared with me. Your help will be invaluable to me during this time!



大家好,我叫刘铭园,现为Sheridan College学生。我在此公开呼吁中共政府立即释放因修炼法轮功,被云南昆明当局在2021年9月30日抓捕的母亲,刘艳。

我的父母都是法轮功修炼者,他们也分别是英语教授和艺术家。我的母亲刘艳从事大学外语教学已经20多年,她曾在加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial university of Newfoundland)和吉林大学联合办学的学校——吉林大学莱姆顿学院教书兼做外事办主任,为中加两国联合办学做出了贡献。她工作非常出色,曾在云南师范大学任外语教研部主任。她撰写的教材《加速英语口语》(Fluent Spoken English)被复旦大学出版社出版并再版三次,被评为云南省高校优秀教材。我父亲同为大学老师和艺术家,也曾被评为中国百名画家之一。




云南省第二女子监狱:云南省昆明市西郊林家院166号信箱附9号。邮编:650102/ 电话:0871-65126165/ 传真:0871-65126134


my mother yan liu and me in 2020

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Toronto Resident Lucy Liu Calls for Release of Mother Detained in China for Her Faith

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Email Lucy Liu at